Which Do I Need: Heating System Repair or Replacement?

No matter how reliable your heating system has been, it won’t last forever. But how do you know when it’s time to say goodbye instead of scheduling one more repair? Read on for Beaver Brothers’ tips for deciding between heating system repair or replacement.

Rising energy bills in Salisbury, NC

Your energy costs will fluctuate throughout the year. However, if you’ve noticed a steady increase in your energy bills over the last few years, it means your heating system is losing its efficiency. When this happens, it’s probably time to consider replacement.

Heating system repair costs

Minor repairs are just a part of owning a furnace or heat pump. On the other hand, major repairs could indicate your heating system is slowly breaking down. Are your repair costs more than the price of a new furnace? Then the choice is easy.

Furnace repair frequency

Closely related to repair costs, the frequency of your repairs is important to consider as well. The occasional service call is nothing to worry about, but if you need heating system repair multiple times per season, it’s time to upgrade to a new unit.

Heat pump effectiveness

How well does your heating system heat your home? If it feels like no matter what you do your home seems to be colder each winter, then your furnace or heat pump isn’t doing it’s job and it’s time for a new one.

Heating system age

One last factor to consider- the age of your heating system. Most furnaces and heat pumps have an average useful life of around 15 years. However, their efficiency can begin to decline well before the 15-year mark. If your unit is reaching this age, it’s time to look for a new one. While a new heating system is an investment, the savings you’ll enjoy from better HVAC efficiency will quickly offset the upfront cost.

A little bonus tip for you: Schedule heating system maintenance. Regular HVAC service will keep your equipment efficient and can extend its lifespan by years. Call Beaver Brothers to schedule your HVAC maintenance today!
